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KIT Scenarist


KIT Scenarist is a program for Windows that will allow us to create movie scripts with all the international standards most used by scriptwriters in the audiovisual industry.

KIT Scenarist is a program for Windows that will allow us to create movie scripts with all the international standards most used by scriptwriters in the audiovisual industry. Through various functions, we find a complete utility that will help us evolve our stories from the original idea to the final phase.

The research module of the program allows us to collect multiple materials to start developing each project. In this section of KIT Scenarist we can save basic information about the script, such as its name, synopsis, list of characters and locations of each scene. We will also have the option of hosting maps, links of interest or any relevant information for the evolution of each text.

The script editor, which KIT Scenarist incorporates, will allow us to fully focus on the story we are creating. It must be taken into account that the tool makes use of an algorithm that speeds up the formatting process so that we can write dialogues between the characters in a much more productive way.

Downloading the latest version of KIT Scenarist for Windows will also allow us to export the scripts in different formats, such as PDF, FDX, Fountain and DOCX, among others. In the same way, the advanced export option will allow us to automatically add scenes, dialogues or page numbers, create a title page or correct the text. All in all, we are facing one of the best script writing programs that we can install on our PC.
